and rainy but dry in the i wrote the other day had a time getting back my site. lost so much time going from one department to the next. i’m easily frustrated with having to try to talk with a computer that tells me it can understand sentences. I really wanted to say do you also read smoke signals? but i didn’t and after many, many days got my site back online. i almost spoke to the computer in cherokee but it would probably just say “what i didn’t understand that!” would you repeat that as i can understand full sentences.. my next question would be are you related to that indian full of bull? but it didn’t happen just spoke english and asked to talk to a r eal person. i did and so here i am.. this leads me into what i hope will be a fun time and intersting topic for all to join in on as i look at at Two Worlds of The Mystic Indian and the Mystifiedndn. i hope you will come alongside and interact with me.