each tribe has their own language some with more dialects. The cinema namely movies have put forth the idea all we say is “how!” misunderstandings abound and confusion on our part because some just can’t speak it. this story isn’t about the Cherokee language but illustrates what can happen.
My wife and I were in Nicaragua on a mission trip a couple of years ago. we’d stopped to get some bottled water and saw three guys with sunglasses on some cardboards strapped to the front and back. one of the ladies realized she had lost her sunglasses and wanted another pair. her husband said ” well I have a dollar and will buy you some.” well off he went to negotiate with the guys selling the sunglasses. he did say before he got out he would practice his Spanish. he went around to the other side of the store and talked with the men and came back with a pair of sunglasses.
when he was seated back in the van he told what had happened. He said as he was looking he said in Spanish “you sure have some pretty glasses.” what really came out though was “you sure are a pretty boy.”
He almost started a fight ! language is important but more importantly is to get it right.