Last time we raised the issue of culture changes so here comes a few more thoughts on this topic.
On leadership we all realize there had to be those that rose to that position. The question of “how?” No ndn pun intended.
There must have been an election of some sort. Maybe like television used to show about a knife fight or a wrasslin match of some sort? Were there contests to show who was the more intelligent? Something like Jeopardy or Name that Tune? Maybe races to see who was fleet of foot. This would be before the horse though. No Ford Mustangs or Pintos in this race.
What did each person running for a position promise to do for the people? More Buffalo or nut and berries? There, had to be speeches one would think. There were probably more words spoken then in the movies and not just some grunts!
Of Ughh, or me see’em or even the most famous of all the “How!”
Today we see ads on the big screen that one-eyed monster in every household. Maybe the little tablet or on the cell phone. Billboard are still around but a lot are digital now too. Paper signs abound plastered to trees and fences. Never mind the mess they leave behind. No Greta Thunberg protesting about all this waste of paper made from trees?
All this to say about it in the following observations about Then and Now.
Back in the day when people raised chickens all they had to worry about was keeping them out of the vegetable garden
Today if people raise chickens, they must worry about them getting into the pot (marijuana) garden.
Politics then and now
The slogan used to be “a chicken in every pot.”
It is “some pot in every chicken.”
I wonder if this is where the “chicken pot pie comes from?”
Just a thought. Wait that was already around. Who would have thunk it?
Mom is frying the chicken.
Mom is fried and so is the chicken
It’s a new day or is it?