Its’ been a year since I caught co-vid. Wait! I didn’t go looking or chasing after it but, somehow, I was infected with it. I do not go searching for a disease or virus. “That’s just a dumb” as my brother-in-law Delmar used to say.
The people i.e. the government is clamoring for you to get vaccinated-this is to inoculate you against the corona virus known as co-vid 19. That’s so we won’t catch it later this year or at all.
Which was the view but no longer true.
They already have a booster shot ready for everyone.
They overlook natural immunity. That thing God has put into the body for its’ protection.
This is a good place to start with a view of Christianity and our immunity.
Just as people get sick from co-vid and some die all are subject to infection. Some worse than others.
Sin is like that too. We see some die in their sin while, others are rarely affected by it or so it seems.
It does say “that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” “That the wages of sin is death.” (Romans 3:23-6:26)
Think about this the world is out to inoculate the families against what they consider the disease of Christianity.
But we are the ones that have passed from sin and death to eternal life. When one confesses Jesus as savior then we are given the Holy Spirit to live in us.
He is our antibody (if you will) and he keeps the soul from death. “For we have been sealed by that Holy Spirit of promise until the day of redemption.” (Ephesians 4:30)
We are immune from the sin of death because no disease can touch the soul that is inoculated against that.
Though we may protect ourselves from viruses by using a vaccine we do eventually die.
The body is subject to this fallen world we live in.
The thing that is saved is the soul!
The Bible does say “it is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgement”. (Hebrews 9:27)
The Christian vaccine is the blood of Jesus that protects us. Though it gives immunity to believers, it confers nothing to the lost. Hence the world doesn’t reach herd immunity.
Herd immunity is for his sheep and only for his sheep.
It is also a personal immunity given to those who believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, is the son of God and is God. That belief in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ we have eternal life.
This is a one-shot deal that lasts throughout eternity. Gods’ vaccination program is one of a kind that being in the shed blood of his son Jesus!
We get our boost from the Bible. Preaching and meeting with the church which is not a physical building but a Holy Ghost building of believers.
And as Indians, natives or whatever, can we claim something other races don’t have? Where does our immunity come from?
I know some will take offense at what may seem, as too much of a cavalier view of the pandemic and of salvation.
Oh well, I understand.