Another day of celebrating with family. Friends plenty of food and football games.
What is this day that America celebrates?
Is it just to eat turkey?
Watch football and Americas’ team the boys from Dallas?
Let’s venture back into “Hysteria’’ that word is better because today there is more of it. It tends to change everything that it doesn’t agree with into something it can agree with.
There’s that familiar story of the first “Turkeyday” with those Pilgrims and of course the Indians. It is true at first mistrust came but co-existence was arrived at too. With any people mistrust is an unfortunate outcome from jealousy, greed, and lust. Which of these caused all the problems for other turkey days?
May we say all of them; and today this is where we as a country are at now.
As the saying goes “back in the day” there was no celebrating for me for turkey day. What mom and dad put on the table you ate or didn’t eat simple as that! Brown beans, fried taters, gravy, and homemade biscuits were the fare on this day. It included sometime during the year a good helping of rabbit, squirrel and porky pig.
As sis got richer the turkey started appearing but I still liked what mom cooked. At this time the chicken would make an appearance as we got richer too.
In other words’ better commodities!
I still like chicken instead of turkey even that old colonel’s kind too. You all do know he never served in the army? I don’t really know if he did or not and he might have just been a private.
Think what you will but be thankful for what you have. Family, friends, freedom for all these can vanish with the stroke of a pen it seems like these days.
Give thanks that our minds are set above the “hysteria” of the day. The food will be eaten, the game will end, we will be fed and entertained. I’m thankful I didn’t have cook the turkey! I just ate the chicken and meatloaf and egg salad and pies!
I thankful for sweatpants you can always stretch and not bust out of them!
Turkey day naw a day of thanksgiving for all the blessings.