Sunday the church recognized and gave thanks to those who served in the armed forces.
One that was formerly known as Armistice Day but changed to recognize the people who made that day possible.
A day that recalls sacrifice of time, careers, and most importantly lives lost. Freedom comes at a cost and for some a very great one.
Throughout time men and women have given their lives to a cause greater than themselves.
Remember the song about God loving the little children? All colors whether red, yellow, black and white? Veterans are of all colors or if you like nationalities.
Veterans day is for all Americans who served during the wars America fought in.
There is no national holiday for those who fought for their freedom to live on the land where that they were native to it.
Yet, these same peoples have given of their lives for this land called “America.”
The same ideas of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were the reasons the tribes fought to keep out invaders.
All too often we forget in our rush to celebrate a day.
Never forget there was sweat during the heat of battle, blood spilled on all sides, and tears of lost comrades, friends, and family.
We are reminded that we are all God’s children. Yet the past confuses us because of how this country came to be.
This country didn’t enslave people, didn’t kill others for the land it now occupies. America in itself can–not do all these things but people can and did. Men can and will and do justify themselves.
But! If we are to attain those lofty goals of the entity known as America. We must learn to truly love one another. We must give the respect due all people.
A veteran gives of self so others may have.
John 14:15 greater love hath no man than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.
Can we do this in laying aside our differences and animosities to live in peace?
Remember (all who fought for their ideals) lest we forget where we came from.
Sunday, I stood with those who served and Thursday I will do so again. A peacetime vet. A native if you will an American vet of the U.S. Army.