What day is this? October 20th 2021

There was a day that irritated native people more than the 4th of July! What day you ask?

Why Columbus Day of course! The 4th was tolerable because you could blow up fireworks and have a good old time.

I remember working on Columbus Day. I didn’t even get the day off. It’s only a federal holiday for the banks and the federales to take the day off. Why heck even some Schools closed and tribal headquarters did too so their people could get the day off.

So now comes the change by the yonag in the yonag house. Signed, sealed, and super-officially delivered!

Why there was rejoicing in the streets of every reservation. Tribal headquarters shut down so people could go out and dance. Everyone had a heck of a “hullabaloo!”

A dated word I know but it fits with some mindsets about it.

WOW what a bration day for us a day off to celebrate being recognized as something! Well, a day off for those that work at a federal job like working for the tribe.

Native American day indigenous day….

History lesson 101 we are technically not Native Americans since we were here before there was an America.  So, the term Native American could be applied to everyone who was born in this country, after it got its’ name!  

Hmm I wonder why this country even celebrated a person who landed on some islands and what is known as South America?

Some now celebrate Cinco de mayo-the 5th Day of May. Which is supposed to be Mexico’s Independence Day. What?  Why celebrate that? I know so people can have an excuse to buy some corona beer! A clever marketing ploy.

We couldn’t be celebrating Italians since he sailed under the Spanish flags and with Spanish ships. Hmmm truly disorienting.

History sometimes doesn’t make sense does it or is it the way we celebrate things, events?

We gloss over the lives of individuals to fit a narrative so it goes on today.

Why do the blacks have a history month and we only get a day?

Oh well, just thought I’d ask.

Consider this and I mean truly consider.

Where would we be as native peoples if this land hadn’t been discovered? Then later on colonized?

And further ponder this point too.

You know this country has some great ideas that start with this phrase congress shall not make ….  That’s a good thing but it never says holidays are always right.

If it is to recognize people then lets perhaps that the 4th of July is all American peoples day?

Heck why not!

I celebrate it every day when I wake up. God bless America and I’m still here.

Yep maybe next we’ll look at holloween…..God willing.