I was at a creative writers group meeting a month ago. We sat around and talked about the state of the world and country. As we discussed the state of affairs I was asked “are you a Republican?” I replied by party affiliation yes, I am. I also said “but I’m a free thinker and look at things trying to sift through all the smoke of opinions. One has to dig deep down past all the fluff to arrive at at a conclusion.
But it must become your own and one that is well thought out.
This is true no matter the political affiliation.
It’s also true of who you think you are, and, or, what others believe you should be.
So, what does identify you?
Do you believe it’s the long hair and why? Were you told that and is it a sign of your virility? A sign of your culture? Maybe you’re just too cheap to find a barber? Or you like long hair or is it a rebellion against what the predominant culture says you should do?
Could it be the beads that your people made before the coming of the white man? Do they now come from China?
Your footwear whether or not you make them yourself? Did you kill the animal for the hide to make your feetwear? Maybe they came from Wal-mart or the tribal gift store or again China.
Your language and or accent. This one is even now changing as we educate our people and form new words.
Then there is this where do you live? Is it the Rez, short for the word Reservation. I liked the idea of not living on one that was until the Mcgirt decision.
Facial features and here again it has changed too with all the intermarriages. With different tribes and other nationalities mixed in.
The changing face of tribal America!
I see it in my own family but they are all mine and wouldn’t change nor reject any for the world.
Music has entered its own phase as Ndn’s have found a way to make a distinctive sound.it is truly their own. I still enjoy a good ol Creedence song along with Gospel and Country and Classical music.
What does identify us? Well for me it is Jesus Christ. This is another change for tribal people as to their spiritual beliefs. Others hang onto their tribal beliefs but what are they to you?
Here we must seek the truth out and let it set us free. As it tells us in the Bible verse of John 8:32.
Now you don’t have to take my word for it but check it out for yourself.